Product engineer regularly locate in Chongqing to support CQ OEMs like Seres/Changan/Ford for engineering activity.
Job Task 岗位职责
1. 负责产品开发
Responsible for product development.
1.1 负责根据爱德夏体系文件PMS规定的流程做产品设计开发(3D建模及2D 图纸设计,包括运动分析、公差分析等相关设计工作)。
Responsible for product design (3D module, 2D drawing, Kinematic study, tolerance analysis etc.) according to Edscha PMS procedure.
1.2 负责编制产品责任书、BOM及DFMEA,与工厂讨论制造可行性分析、产品关键重要特性及PFMEA等技术文件
Responsible for product standard performance specifications, BOM and DFMEA, Communication with Edscha Plant for feasibility study ,Overview special product and process characteristics and PFMEA etc.
1.3 负责相关产品项目文件夹的整理、汇编,并将设计、过程经验形成文件,收集汇编专有技术并存档至Know-How文件夹。
Responsible for coordinating and collection of project folders, and make the design and Process experience into documentation, collect and store special technical Know-How.
1.4 负责与供应商或客户技术会谈,并事前做好必要的准备及会后做好报告。
Responsible for technical discussions with suppliers and customers include previous Preparations and documentation after discussion.
1.5 负责根据外部和内部的工程更改要求更新产品设计及产品图纸。
Responsible for updating of product design and drawings according to external and internal technical changes.
1.6 在Edpro中维护项目,并确保根据项目进度计划按时完成工作。
Regularly maintain project in Edpro and assure to complete his/her task on time according the agreed project time schedule.
1.7 在重庆当地维护客户端对工程技术问题的及时支持反馈。
Actively support CQ OEM engineering topic communication.
Responsible for lead of product team
2.1 配合总部团队在重庆客户端及工厂端的各项项目相关事宜。
Support EAT engineering communication with Chongqing customer and Edscha plant.
2.2 负责及时跟踪小组的项目状况,定期更新项目问题清单。
Responsible for monitoring project development status