1) plan and teach ESL lessons for high school learners.
2) differentiate instruction to meet student’s individual learning needs and styles;
3) employ a constructive, inquiry-based pedagogical approach to teaching and learning that promotes inquiry and the development of critical-thinking skills;
4) provide learning experiences that build on what students know and can do;
5) support the development of international-mindedness and all attributes of learner profile within the curriculum;
6) use technology as a vehicle for learning and integrate ICT skills teaching within instruction where appropriate;
7) employ a range of teaching and learning strategies to promote independent thinking, inquiry and acquisition of subject specific knowledge and skills;
8) foster a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect.
1) be able to teach in English. 通用英语授课
2) bachelor or higher degree with teacher certification, 本科以上学历,具有教师资格证
3) those able to teach two or more subjects are preferred. 能同时教授两科或多科相关课程的教师优先。
4) responsible, committed, ethical. 负责、尽心,有良好的职业道德
5) proactive, willing to learn,hard-working. 积极主动, 善于学习, 吃苦耐劳
6) 能够承担班主任工作
7) 有雅思或者托福教学经验优先考虑