物流经理 15000-22000元
沈阳大东区 应届毕业生 本科
沈阳美嘉帕拉斯特汽车零部件有限公司 2024-10-02 09:56:16 873人关注
职责描述: Main missions 主要任务 1 - Coordinate and manage company operational flow and personnel involved in this management, in order to guarantee result 协调和管理公司的运营流程和参与管理的人员,以保证结果 - Gather, process and circulate information to meet customer demands - 收集、处理和传达信息以满足客户的需求 - Manage requests (revised forecast and industrial and sales plan) - 管理要求 (修改预测及工业和销售计划) - Ensure the flow of products through the company by: - 保证产品在公司的流通 - Ensuring the supply of products required for production - 确保生产所需产品的供应 - Coordinating the definition of planning processes (Industrial and Sales Plan -Master Production) - 协调规划过程 (工业和销售计划-主生产) - Schedule-Sequencing-Calculation of Net Requirements / KANBAN) - 日程安排-实际需求/看板法的计算) - Checking the correct execution of these processes - 检查流程的正确执行 - Liaising with customers and suppliers - 与客户和供应商保持联系 - Solving any disputes - 解决争端 - Organizing the supply-chain (supply, production and distribution planning) by taking into account customer constraints, internal constraints and best work practices - 根据客户约束、内部约束和最佳工作实践,组织供应链(供应、生产和分销计划) - Implementing, ensuring compliance with and improving logistics processes for his/her company and associated personnel - 落实、确保公司及相关人员遵守并改进物流流程 - Supervising the organisation and operation of internal company flows by optimising costs (equipment and MO) and execution times - 通过优化成本(设备和MO)和执行时间来管理公司内部流程的组织和运行 - Managing stocks and managing actions to improve reliability - 管理库存和行动以提高信任度 - Helping to launch new projects and assess their impacts on logistics (surface area, equipment, MO requirements) 协助启动新项目并评估其对物流的影响(表面积、设备、MO要求) - Managing the performance of his/her department daily - 管理部门的日常工作表现 - Supporting information system upgrades - 支持信息系统升级 - Guaranteeing GPAO with his/her team, ensuring that customer data is up-to-date - 与团队保证GPAO,确保客户数据是最新的 2 - Organise, manage and make available resources to ensure the delivery of products to customers within the allocated time frame at optimal cost and in compliance with specifications 组织、管理和提供资源,确保在规定的时间内以最优成本和符合规格的方式向客户交付产品 - Study and implement resources (equipment, software, etc.) to improve the company's logistics performance - 研究和利用资源(设备、软件等)以提高公司的物流效益。 - Check the accuracy of information transmitted and comply with standards employed - 检查所传送信息的准确性,并遵守所采用的标准 - With the purchasing department, manage relations with logistics service providers - 与采购部门一起管理与物流服务供应商的关系 3 - Manage his/her activity 管理自我 - Monitor the performance indicators of his/her activity daily, identify discrepancies, solve problems with teams and implement corrective actions (level of production logistics and spare parts service) - 监控其工作的绩效指标,找出差异,与团队一起解决问题并实施纠正措施(生产物流和配件服务水平) - Based on the objectives of his/her activity, draw up action plans and coordinate the tasks of his/her employees coherently - 根据工作目标,制定工作计划,协调员工的任务 - Propose the annual operating budget for his/her activity, and ensure that it is adhered to - 为其工作提出年度经营预算,并确保执行 - Propose the necessary resources for attaining his/her objectives and implement the necessary actions for staff turnover (recruitments, transfers, dismissal/redundancy), and investments according to budgetary forecasts and labour constraints - 根据预算预测和劳工限制,提出实现其目标所需的资源,并为员工变动(征聘、调动、解雇/裁员)和投资采取必要行动 - Develop the team's skills for the activity and propose individual and/or group training actions that are necessary to maintain performance levels of activities in agreement with the Functional Manager - 为工作提高团队的技能,提出个人和/或团队的培训计划,以维持与职能经理一致的工作绩效水平 - 4-Coordinate the continuous improvement of his/her department 协调部门工作的持续改进。 - Lead the daily Logistics performance meeting and update indicators (transport, TSL, stock) - 领导日常物流绩效会议和更新指标(运输、TSL、库存) - Coordinate the analysis of deviations and daily progress using problem solving tools - 利用问题解决工具协调偏差分析和日常进展 - Manage stock reliability - 管理库存可靠性 - Take part in working groups (CCV, SMED, etc.) 参加工作小组(CCV、SMED等) Specific missions 特定任务 - Take part in and/or manage Kaizen improvement projects outside his/her scope - 参与和/或管理范围之外的改善项目 Responsibilities in terms of Quality Safety Environment Progress 负责质量安全环境方面的工作 - Strictly monitor team members to follow Safety and Environment rules to work, to ensure chemical storage management meet requirements, and no safety risk and environment impact. - 严格监督团队成员遵守安全和环境规则,确保化学存储管理符合要求,无安全风险和环境影响 - Ensure that processes, work instruction sheets and related appendices are correctly understood and properly implemented. Make sure that instructions regarding safety and environmental protection are followed by logistics personnel. Decide to cease any processes that are identified as being dangerous and detrimental to the safety of persons or to property, and in the event of current or imminent serious incidents or environmental disasters - 确保流程、作业指导书及相关附件的正确理解和正确实施,确保物流人员遵守有关安全和环保的指示,决定停止任何被认定为危险和有害于人身或财产安全的进程,并在当前或即将发生的严重事件或环境灾难时停止这些进程。 任职要求: 同行业同等岗位3年以上工作经验 本科以上学历 英文能力良好


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