发展并推荐市场和销售部门行动计划,满足预算销售收入和其他收到的任务 Develop and recommend action plans for marketing and sales department to meet budgeted sales revenue and other tasks received 负责日常销售活动的组织、销售人员的业绩考评及应收帐款管理 Responsible for the organization of daily sales activities, sales staff performance evaluation and accounts receivable management 负责与重要客户进行沟通、谈判,并参与主要报价 Responsible for communicating and negotiating with key customers and participating in major quotations 参与企业及产品宣传的一系列策划,并组织实施 Participate in a series of enterprise and product publicity planning, and organize the implementation 带领、支持并激励销售团队实现销售目标和其指定区域的业务目标 Lead, support and motivate the sales team to achieve the sales target and the business target of the assigned territory 监督销售工程师的工作,管理并确保团队成员的优化配置 Supervise the work of sales engineers, manage and ensure the optimal allocation of team members 协助编制销售目标和预算,准备指定区域关键用户和市场报告的销售预测 Assist in the preparation of sales targets and budgets, and prepare sales forecasts for key users and market reports in designated areas 为指定区域的关键用户和潜在新客户提供产品和市场培训,以便强化产品或市场意识以及客户需求 Provide product and marketing training to key users and potential new customers in the assigned area in order to enhance product or market awareness and customer needs 寻找客户以及竞争对手的信息,与管理层合作以便考虑采取相应的行动措施 Seek information about customers and competitors and work with management to consider appropriate action 支持产品服务团队在指定区域所开展的工作,例如新产品的安装情况、在试验阶段的性能测评情况等 Support the product service team in the assigned area, such as new product installation, performance evaluation during the pilot phase, etc 传达客户反馈,在客户和公司内部进行协调,支持服务团队分析并解决质保期客户投诉 Communicate customer feedback, coordinate with customers and within the company, support service team to analyze and resolve customer complaints during warranty period 确定订单处理和应收账款的效率 Determine efficiency of order processing and accounts receivable 负责对部门下属进行绩效考评、人才发展以及团队建设,确保公司合规和EOHS规则在部门的落实 Responsible for performance evaluation, talent development and team building for subordinates in the department, ensure compliance and implementation of EOHS rules in the department 完成总经理交办的其他事项 To complete other tasks assigned by General Manager