生物检测 microorganism analyst
岗位职责:job description
1. 负责原辅材料/半成品/成品/环境取样,微生物检测和放行;
responsible for sampling of raw materials/excipient/semi-finished products/environment, plus microbiological testing and releasement;
2. 负责产品无菌检测、微生物限度检测及相关验证;
be responsible for product sterility testing, microbial limit testing and related validation;
3. 领用、传代、确认、计数及保存,微生物性状鉴定;
the apply/subculture/confirmation/counting/preserve of culture, the id for the characters of microorganisms;
4. 验证,配合公司验证计划,进行验证检验
validation, coordinate the validation plan and perform the validation testing;
5. 负责本岗位所有sop/smp的增订,修订等
responsible for all the revisions of the sop/smp for the position;
6. 负责培养基的配制,包括消毒、保存、使用、销毁工作.
responsible for the preparation for the medium, including the sanitation/storage/usage/destroy.
专业要求job requirements
1. 药学、微生物学/医学检验等专业本科及以上学历;
bachelor’s degree or above in pharmacy, microbiology/medical analysis etc.
2. 专业知识掌握良好,能独立完成实验并出具报告;
expertise for this position and ability to report independently;
3. 性格开朗、沉稳,有相关工作经验者优先;
open-minded, calm, candidates with related experiences preferred.
able to understand the english documents related to this position.